For many years there has been a weekly Thursday Workshop held, which Guild members are very welcome to attend. Currently we meet at the Age Concern Rooms (in lower Octagon) every Thursday from 9.30 to 11.45am. The bright and open room we work in, is at the back of the building at ground floor level.
We are always happy to see new faces, so come along and meet us. Visitors are always welcome. You never know, you may want to take up a new “hobby” or continue something long ago taught!
With many long time Guild members attending Workshop, there is always someone willing to share their skills, should they be needed. We don’t have tutored classes at Workshop as everyone is happy to use their time working on their chosen task for the day.
We do take a break for a tea/coffee and biscuits (cost – $1.00, which goes to Age Concern). However the ongoing buzz of chatter is all part of our morning. All manner of tasks happily progress (knitting, patchwork, stitching project and UFOs.) anything goes. So if you want to do some “guild free” stitching on a Thursday morning (away from home chores) then come and join us, you will be most welcome.

Workshop members hard at work